Hashtag you

A web scraping tool to select relevant influencers for cooperation

  • Web Development
Hashtag you

Project description

Modern business is often conducted through third-party vendors. If a decade ago it happened mostly offline, now the situation has changed and the main site is online platforms. Business owners have to follow celebrities and famous people on social media to benefit from their services and promote products. Properly selected influencers significantly improve sales volumes and accelerate business development. However, the search for such people is a time-consuming process. So, companies need a software product capable of processing significant amounts of information in search of those relevant and crucial to a particular enterprise or individual. Hashtag you is developed to meet these demands and enable businesses to simplify the search process and find the necessary information in minutes.

Industry: Entertainment, Enterprise
Platforms: Web
Role: Software developer
Tech Stack: Prefect, Flask

Problem introduction

Our client required a development team that could quickly create and deliver tailored data scraping software services. The algorithm had to find the necessary data and select the influencers based on the search criteria. Using a hashtag, a person had to get a list of notable people on Instagram or Youtube and their details. So, our team had to deliver a product to help users quickly identify particular information pieces, keep the system updated, and generate agreements.

Main goals:

  • Research the area and analyze the data provided by the team’s business analysts
  • Examine the requirements for detecting the specified pattern
  • Create a search principle based on the retrieved information
  • Provide data scraping from Instagram and YouTube
  • Deliver data updating in different places according to the schedule
Tech Challenges

Tech Challenges

We had to develop a unique algorithm for searching given elements by specified parameters to get a solution. The system had not just to find an appropriate influencer but also to continue the process and monitor scheduled updating in various places. Before starting work, we had to understand the tangled deployment of the project, which took some time. But we successfully coped with everything and delivered an effective-working tool on time.

Core Functionality:

  • Possibility to create deals
  • Checking how well work deals of a particular influencer
  • Displaying a list of potential influencers and data about them
  • Data Integration with Snowflake, Fivetran, and Zenloop
  • Integration with Google Sheets and Google Cloud
  • Opportunity to find new influencers
Core Functionality:


We created the most effective, well-managed scraping service based on an accurate algorithm for identifying and selecting specific influencers. Our approach swiftly converts millions of posts and pages into cognitive data precisely matching the given search parameters. A user can study detailed information about the selected people and check the efficiency of their cooperation. The process is still ongoing when a person gets data, and it is possible to search for new public figures.


  • Reliable tool that retrieves data from Instagram and YouTube
  • Scraping software that enhances opportunities to promote goods on social media
  • Maximum accuracy of extracted data
  • Functionality to track scheduled updates

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