
A mobile marketplace to get assistance with studying and share your knowledge with everyone who needs it

  • Business Analysis
  • DevOps services
  • Mobile Development
  • QA
  • UI/UX design
  • Web Development

Project description

We created a highly useful SaaS mobile app for Danish students. The app is a marketplace where students can find assistance with their tasks on any subject they study, while senior students and teachers can monetize their knowledge. A student can place an order with specified task deadlines, price, etc. Other users who want to take this task offer their prices as bids. After the auction is successfully finished, the system automatically takes the necessary sum of money from the user’s card and stores it until both participants confirm that the order is completed and accepted. Senior students and teachers can use this platform for selling their intellectual property like books, manuals, guides, drawings, etc.

Industry: Education
Platforms: Mobile, Web
Role: Software developer, IT consultant
Tech Stack: Objective-C, Java, NodeJS, Laravel, MySQL, Redis, Firebase

Problem introduction

Being a student is demanding and stressful, especially when some of the classes are challenging, but you need to have good grades on homework, tests, term papers, and others. Denmark has a complex education system, and our client had a noble deed – create a convenient platform where students could find help with their studying while teachers and senior students could additionally monetize their knowledge. The platform had to be simple in usage but have everything needed to ensure SaaS, marketplace, reverse-auction, and social networking functionality. Additionally, the platform should provide fair services, collaboration, and payments with advanced charging, communication, and management functionalities.

Main goals:

  • Cover iOS and Android platforms with native mobile solutions
  • Create an advanced admin panel
  • Build an informative landing page
  • Develop the platform from scratch within a short deadline
  • Ensure secure payment transactions and GDPR compliance
  • Provide reverse-auction, blocklisting, messaging, commenting, cropping, and many other functionalities
  • Build a complex notification system with multiple logics and scenarios
Tech Challenges

Tech Challenges

The Lessons app was our first mobile project, and it had some challenges for the team. Additionally, it was our first experience in creating a complex marketplace and integrating the Stripe payment system. The client needed the completed product as fast as possible, so we had short deadlines. To fasten the development process without affecting the app quality, we offered to build the back-end part with Laravel and NodeJS. Thus, real-time processing functionality like auction, payments, chatting, and notifications are made with NodeJS, while the admin panel and other parts of the app are written with Laravel (PHP). Working with notifications was exciting but also challenging. It is the most extensive notification system we have ever worked on to this day. It has over 50 different types of notifications, each with different rules and parameters. We can proudly say that this project made us the notification gurus, and it gave us even bigger expertise than we need so far.

Core Functionality:

  • Real-time reverse auction
  • Marketplace functionality
  • In-app payments
  • Blocklisting and reporting
  • In-app messenger (general and private)
  • Comments and reviews
  • Tracking auctions
  • Advanced cropping for secure item preview
  • Advanced filtering by topic, content, educational institution, etc.
  • Various file formats attaching and storing them on iCloud, Google Drive, and AWS
Core Functionality:


The result of our work is a marketplace that has high-quality integration with iOS and Android platforms, created with native mobile technologies.


The app’s primary function is the reverse auction, where a student specifies the task, deadlines for the auction and task completion. Also, they can attach files in any format (drawing, text, excel, etc.), place how much they can pay for this task, etc. After the order is published, users interested in taking it can place their bids. Each bid should be lower than the previous one, and each bid is reasonably chargeable to prevent users from making unnecessary ones.


Since this app is a marketplace, it has advanced payment and notification systems and an admin panel that allows managers to perform various actions – add, edit and remove content, auctions, and items, manage users and their data, control payments, view correspondence (to solve conflict situations between users), etc. The admin panel has even more extensive functionality than the mobile platform.


The platform has GDPR compliance, and our legal expert assisted with creating Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, etc. The payment functionality used the KYC system so that the users could safely withdraw their earned money. When a user pays for an item or service, the system automatically sends them a detailed receipt to the email.


  • Advanced multi-vendor multi-merchant marketplace with reverse auction functionality
  • Enormous admin panel that covers every app management need, including resolving conflict situations and disputes between users
  • Users can comment, rate goods and services, blocklist other users, report them and their content
  • One-to-one chatting
  • Integrated escrow payments, payments via card, and money withdrawal functionality
  • Feed with fast search and filtering
  • Advanced push notifications with all possible scenarios, logics, roles, actions, conditions, etc.
  • Log in via email and Facebook
  • Integrations with AWS, iCloud, and Google Drive
  • Automated emailing
  • UI/UX design that fits both smartphone and tablet devices
  • Landing page
  • GDPR compliance documentation

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