Facade Cleaning App

A mobile app that uses computer vision for calculating the facade area and the price of its cleaning

  • Business Analysis
  • DevOps services
  • Mobile Development
  • QA
  • UI/UX design
Facade Cleaning App

Project description

The ATG app is a computer vision-based tool that helps people to know how much it will cost them to make the exterior of their buildings clean and shiny. The application has one primary function – surface area recognition and price calculation. The user only needs to take a picture of the facade, specify the size of at least one element like a window or a door, and select the material (stone, metal, or brick) so the app can give the price for the building cleaning services. The user also can get a preview of how their facade will look after cleaning, send information to the managers, see interactive before/after images of other buildings, and play ping-pong on the About Us page.

Industry: Cleaning Services
Platforms: Mobile
Role: Software developer, IT consultant
Tech Stack: Node.js, React Native

Problem introduction

Our client provides facade cleaning services, and they wanted to make the estimation processes more convenient for their clients and optimized for the managers. So now, instead of calling or writing to the manager to find out how much money they need to get their building professionally cleaned, a person can take a picture, and the mobile app will do the rest.

Main goals:

  • Ensure precise surface area and price calculations
  • Optimize the work of client’s managers
  • Create the app from scratch within 3+ months
  • Cover both iOS and Android platforms with one cross-platform app
  • Make an app interactive
Tech Challenges

Tech Challenges

Working with computer vision was a bit challenging because we didn’t have extensive experience with this technology at the moment of creating this mobile app. However, even without deep knowledge and skills in Artificial Intelligence, we made a flawlessly functional business product from scratch in only three months.

Core Functionality:

  • Computer vision for object recognition
  • Surface area and price calculation
  • Integration with a smartphone camera
  • Photo uploading
  • Before/after preview
  • The ping-pong game
Core Functionality:


The client received a mobile solution for their cleaning business that optimizes estimating the cost of facade cleaning. In addition, the app users can enjoy the self-service functionality and no longer need to communicate with the managers and waste time on making the measurements of the building.


The user takes a picture via the app or uploads the image of the building. Then, the system recognizes the building, detects elements like windows and doors, and requests to specify the size of one element. When the user determines the element size, the system computes the surface area. When they also select the building material (stone, metal, or brick), the system shows the approximate cost. Finally, if the user is satisfied with the sum, they can send this information to the managers to get the preview of the house cleaned, a precise total sum, and discuss the date and terms of facade cleaning.


The calculations are based on our client’s rates; however, a person doesn’t have to be their client to use the app.


  • One mobile app for both iOS and Android platforms
  • AI-based object recognition
  • Computer vision functionality for size and cost calculating
  • Complementary ping-pong game on the About Us page
  • Illustrative and interactive portfolio preview

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