IT nation 2.0

An e-learning platform for residents of the Ukrainian-controlled territory to master IT professions

  • DevOps services
  • QA
  • Web Development
IT nation 2.0

Project description

IT nation 2.0 is a convenient Saas platform providing highly engaging e-learning courses aimed at delivering additional opportunities for employment and increasing Ukrainian people’s competitiveness in the labor market. The organizer of the project, the Global Compact Network in Ukraine, with the assistance of the USAID Project “Economic Support of Eastern Ukraine,” needed a customized LMS to deliver high-quality online IT education for all interested people in the country aged 15 and over. The platform was to provide a clear, consistent layout for ease of use, support for various tasks, progress tracking, assessment opportunities, in-group collaboration, and student support.

Industry: Education
Platforms: Web
Role: Software developer, IT consultant
Tech Stack: PHP

Problem introduction

The client’s main goal was to present its users with a high-quality free educational platform where they could both learn and become part of one large and friendly community of like-minded people who, under challenging conditions in the country, want to change their lives. It had to be user-friendly, with the smooth and precise operation, and have all the essential functions of a standard LMS. It also needed responsive design, enabling users to access the platform on phones or tablets and desktops or laptops, which were expected to be the main access device for students.

Main goals:

  • Provide a client with a reliable and easy-to-use educational platform
  • Introduce an intuitive interface for learners
  • Integrate effective use of various self-assessment and interactive activities to build confidence in learners’ knowledge
  • Ensure deep data-tracking
  • Deliver automated alerts and notification system
  • Present a centralized housing of various learning materials
  • Support messages sending and receiving
Tech Challenges

Tech Challenges

Our customer needed help building an excellent educational platform from scratch with optimized performance and intuitive online access to training materials and schedules. We have already had sufficient experience in delivering solutions for educational services, so working on the project was relatively easy. We needed some time to outline the project scope and schedule, considering all the tasks set by the client. Then we adhered to the tasks and solved them promptly. Team enjoyed delivering interactive IT courses supporting the latest eLearning standards.

Core Functionality

  • Easy password setup and reset
  • Configurable notification system
  • Integrated messaging functionalities
  • Support for many formats such as text/HTML, PDF, Videos, PowerPoints, etc
  • Various assessment and engagement tools
  • Automated tracking of deadlines
  • Integration with the most popular webinar tools available
Core Functionality


We created a comprehensive e-learning platform that allows users to study one of the four IT areas, Frontend Base, Frontend Advanced, QA Manual, and QA Automation, with the possibility to extend these courses. Our team provided access to all platform’s resources, including video lectures, webinars, and presentations. The LMS’s architecture enables learners to get necessary consultations and support at all stages of education. In addition, the convenient notification and messaging systems, interactive tasks, and integrated assessment increase students’ productivity and motivation. Our client succeeded in improving learners’ experience and strengthening the capacity and desire of more individuals to start cooperation with them.

Since the project launch, almost 4000 adults have registered on the platform, and more than 500 people have already successfully completed their studies. A sufficient percentage of graduates found a job and started their career in a new sphere. The platform’s success inspires owners to organize additional mini-courses, an online hackathon, and IT camps.


  • Advanced educational SaaS platform for providing modern IT education
  • Content-friendly solution
  • The Dashboard for tracking progress and getting insights about the work
  • Integrated assessment and surveys engine
  • A huge file repository
  • Video Conference support

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