Online Accounting

Comarch ERP XT is an online tool for comprehensive management of any form of accounting in Poland. Online accounting is currently the most popular form of keeping financial records in a small company. Comarch ERP XT is a mobile application for COMPREHENSIVE online bookkeeping via the Comarch cloud.

Lump sum records (Ewidencja Ryczałtowa)

Running a business in the form of a lump sum on registered revenue is one of the most frequently chosen forms of taxation of business activity. Tax rates depend on the type of business and range from 2% to 17%. As part of handling flat-rate records in the program, we provide functionalities allowing the User to:

  • keeping the VAT register of sales and purchases,
  • keeping records of the Revenue Records and the Records of agricultural products,
  • calculation and sending of JPK files, VAT-EU declarations, PIT-11, VIU-DO and advance payment for PIT-28,
  • settlements of owners along with the calculation of health insurance premiums,
  • records and settlement of employees’ salaries,
  • records of equipment and fixed assets,
  • records of fixed assets documents,
  • entering cost documents into the system through the mechanism of reading PDF files and photos, Comarch OCR.

Ledger of Income and Expenditure (Księga Przychodów i Rozchodów)

Keeping the Ledger of Income and Expenditure in Comarch ERP XT is simple and very intuitive. In addition to numerous improvements and automation of the operator’s work, the module can perform:

  • keeping the VAT register of sales and purchases,
  • keeping records of the Revenue and Expense Book,
  • calculation and sending of declarations: VAT-7, VAT-UE, PIT-36 and PIT-36L,
  • settlements of owners,
  • records and settlement of employees’ salaries,
  • records of equipment and fixed assets,
  • records of fixed assets documents,
  • entering cost documents into the system through the mechanism of reading PDF files and photos, Comarch OCR.

Trading Book (Księga Handlowa)

While keeping full accounting on your own is much more complicated than the KPiR, in the Comarch ERP XT program we tried to implement all possible simplifications of this process. The Trading Book module allows you to:

  • generating JPK files and sending them to the tax office,
  • keeping the VAT register of sales and purchases,
  • keeping records of the Trade Book,
  • generating a model chart of accounts and adapting it to the requirements of your company,
  • introducing the Opening Balance of accounting accounts and transferring them to subsequent accounting periods,
  • generating turnover and balance statements on selected accounts using the statement creator,
  • calculation and sending of declarations: VAT-7, VAT-UE, PIT-36 and PIT-36L,
  • settlements of owners,
  • records and settlement of employees’ salaries,
  • records of equipment and fixed assets,
  • records of fixed assets documents,
  • entering cost documents into the system through the mechanism of reading PDF files and photos, Comarch OCR.

Let’s grow your
business together

Please, fill out the form below and send us a short description of your project. We will contact you within 24 hours to give a free consultation and move further.